The Seven Deadly Sins of UX – Lust

The Seven Deadly Sins of UX – Lust

Recently, I listened to an album that led me to look at the Seven Deadly Sins within UX. The Deadly Sins I will discuss are: Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. In a previous post, I already talked about Gluttony. This time we’ll look at Lust. The other Deadly Sins will be discussed in future posts.

Just to be clear: everyone is guilty of these, it’s human. Probably not to the extreme degree I describe here. It’s not meant to bring down specific people or companies. It’s more of a reminder, for when it’s needed.


Lust is all about desire and beauty. The problem here could be the visuals. There are beautiful websites with very nice images, animations, and fonts. These are the kind of websites/applications that belong in an art museum: they are beautiful to look at, but you can’t work with them. Just as I can’t continue working on the Mona Lisa, I can’t work with an application that has neglected functionality.

Of course, I understand that you want a beautiful website or application, but in my opinion, functionality is still more important. So make sure your website works well first, and then see what you can add to make it even more beautiful.

By Jasper Blikman, Consultant and UX specialist